ADDITIONS SCRATCH Combine fischertechnik Robotics Sets with the visual, easy to learn programming language Scratch. Scratch is free and easy to integrate into fischertechnik Robotics. ScratchX for TXT Controller and ScratchX for BT Smart Controller make it possible to use both fischertechnik controllers on PCs or laptops along with the easy to learn programming language Scratch. Short applications for controlling motors and lights via buttons, light barriers and many other sensors can be created in a flash. Much larger programmes can also be created thanks to the diverse options the Scratch programming language offers. ARDUINO & RASPBERRY PI The new fischertechnik adapters bridge the gap between the popular controllers Arduino UNO, Arduino MEGA and Raspberry Pi and the versatile fischertechnik construction kit system. Advanced users can use the fischertechnik system to create complex mechanical models. Raspberry Pi - fischertechnik compatible Pi-F5 board IN A INPUTS (A0,A1,A2,A3) SIGNAL INPUT i2C analog GND (-) POWER SUPPLY - ADAPTER 9V for board and Raspberry Pi OUTPUTS (23,22,25,24,13,12,21,20) OUT 6-9V (max. 600mA) IN D INPUTS (5,6,16,17,18,19,26,27) SIGNAL INPUT digital POWER SUPPLY - BATTERY 9V for board and Raspberry Pi Arduino fischertechnik compatible UNO - Uno-F5 board Arduino MEGA - fischertechnik compatible Mega-F5 board OUT OUTPUTS M1 (~3,~5) M2 (~6,~9) M3 (4,8) M4 (~10,~11) SIGNAL INPUT 6-9V (max. 600mA) OUT OUTPUTS M1 (~2,~3) M2 (~4,~5) M3 (~6,~7) M4 (~8,~9) M5 (~10,~11) M6 (~12,~13) 6-9V (max. 600mA) NRF24L01 3.3V MISO P12 NC SCK P13 MOSI P11 CE P2 CSN P7 GND 3.3V POWER SUPPLY - ADAPTER 6-9V for board and Arduino UNO POWER SUPPLY - BATTERY 6-9V for board and Ardiono UNO 5V OUTPUT SUPPLY FOR SENSORS 3.3V OUTPUT SUPPLY FOR SENSORS GND (-) SERVO 2 SIGNAL (5V) P0 VCC (5V- GND max. 700mA ) TX (5V) P1 RX (5V) P0 SDA (5V) SCL (5V) UART UART I2C I2C SERVO 1 SIGNAL (5V) P1 VCC (5V- GND max. 700mA ) NRF24L01 3.3V MISO P12 NC SCK P13 MOSI P11 CE P2 CSN P7 GND 3.3V POWER SUPPLY - ADAPTER 6-9V for board and Arduino MEGA POWER SUPPLY - BATTERY 6-9V for board and Ardiono MEGA 5V OUTPUT SUPPLY FOR SENSORS 3.3V OUTPUT SUPPLY FOR SENSORS GND (-) IN INPUTS (A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10,A11) SIGNAL INPUT digital / analog RX (5V) P1 TX (5V) P0 SIGNAL (5V) P0 VCC (5V) GND SIGNAL (5V) P1 VCC (5V) GND UART UART SERVO 2 SERVO 1 3.3V OUTPUT SUPPLY FOR SENSORS SDA (5V) SCL (5V) I2C I2C 5V OUTPUT SUPPLY FOR SENSORS GND (-) GND (-) Tx1 (5V) P18 Rx1 (5V) P19 UART UART SDA (5V) P20 SCL (5V) P21 I2C I2C SERVO 1 SIGNAL (5V) P16 VCC (5V- GND max. 700mA ) SERVO 2 SIGNAL (5V) P17 VCC (5V- GND max. 700mA ) GND (-) IN D INPUTS (2,7) SIGNAL INPUT digital SIGNAL INPUT digital / analog INPUTS (A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) IN DA ft DESIGNER fischertechnik design software About 1000 components from all fields incl. pneumatics, motors/drives, aluminium bars and stickers The perfect software to plan, develop, and implement fischertechnik models. They are child’s play to operate, with a huge range of functions. Ideal for schools, training and universities, for visualising technical processes • • Model animation in real time incl. tracking shots, zoom • • • • • Possible to install elastic pneumatic hoses, as well as a power supply and wiring All models can be divided into as many construction phases as necessary to create easy to understand operating manuals Construction phases can be hidden, or individual components can be coloured white For large models (or slow computers), the animation can also be calculated as an AVI file Supports the free Raytracer »POV-Ray« and »Blender« for realistic pictures with shadows, reflections and radiosity Export 3D-CAD data: RAW, VRML, POV and X3D. The VRML format allows models to be processed with almost any professional CAD system System requirements Microsoft Windows 7,8,8.1 and 10 / Intel processor with min. 1GHz / min. 1GByte main memory / graphic card with OpenGL support / free hard drive space of min. 250MByte / Internet connection for updates / mouse or track pad Item No. 14851 EAN 4006209148518 21